Dear Neighbor,
The 2017-2018 biennium will go down as one of the most productive in recent memory. Working under divided government, the Legislature completed the state budget, successfully advancing key priorities including:
- The largest tax relief package for Minnesotans in nearly two decades.
- The largest investment in road and bridge infrastructure in state history without a gas tax increase.
- Nation-leading reforms to stop double-digit premium increases and expand health care options.
This session, I co-authored and helped pass legislation that funds the Highway 14 four lane expansion project from Owatonna to Dodge Center. The Highway 14 expansion has been in the works for decades and is desperately needed for our area. I appreciate Governor Dayton’s willingness to sign the bonding bill into law, ensuring that this project is fully funded. Additionally, I was happy to author legislation that provides funding for badly needed asset preservation projects at the Minnesota State Academies for the Deaf and Blind in Faribault.